Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Training > nipping


18 18:01:07

I have a blue heeler who apparently thinks it is okay to nip at people.. mainly young children (especially my neighbors 5 year old son)I have tried having the boy give her treats for good behavior but then my dog "Jewels" has lunged at his nose trying to nip him. people will not walk down our street anymore and it is upsetting to know I cannot have a social life because of my dog.  HELP!!! (please)

Honestly, this is the sort of issue which is best addressed with in-person professional help (a behaviorist or good, positive trainer). There are a number of things about this situation which would probably be obvious to an in-person observer (dog's affect, what the person is doing that makes the dog uncomfortable, the dog's triggers, etc) which just can't and shouldn't be guessed about over the internet. Because if your dog actually connects with the wrong person's face, it could be the end of his life, and you could loose everything you own. Not to mention the tragedy if he really injures someone. Sandy Case BFA MEd CPDT