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walking on the lead trouble

19 9:04:26

hi i have a lab x kelpie she is desexed and 1 1/2 years old. i love to spend time with her but its so frustrating to take her on walks because she pulls and pulls on the lead the whole time making it very hard to control her no matter what i do she wont stop so i dont take her for walks if she has to be on the lead as it makes me grumpy and frustrated. i know its due to excitement but i cant handle this behaviour it makes walks very stressful. do you have any ideas? she is fine off the lead its just when shes on the lead that shes naughty.  Thank you Chanel

Chanel, where are you located? I would recommend that you try walking her using a special collar called a prong or pinch. The following page shows how to correctly fit the collar, and I would recommend a small weight collar for your girl: