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Potty-Training.. Ug!

19 9:04:09


  I have a three month old LhasaPoo who I'm trying to potty-train.  He is a Male, and his name is Cody.  The potty-training had been going very well, until.. 'The incident'.  I left him home (of course supervised by someone else) for maybe 2/3 hours, and when I got back, he'd pooed on the rug.  We have hard-wood floors, so we thought if he pooed or peed, it wouldn't be AS big of a problem.  However, in one room we have a rug.  It's pretty big, and I've heard alot of reasons not to let your dog on carpet/rugs.. The most important; if he goes once, he'll smell it and keep going there.  So, when we let him out of the Kennel to eat, and play with us, he somehow (must be when we're distracted or something) pooed there three times.. We don't want him back there so we blocked it off, but now he's getting the idea he can go where ever he want's to! Outside or in.    

 Any help is appreciated..


ANSWER: Hi Shiri,

Sounds like Cody is a little confused now.   What I suggest is to start back at the beginning with the crate training.   The type of crate I always suggest is a nice open wire crate.    Whenever you are not home, or even when you are home, Cody should stay in the crate.  He'll need to go out on a schedule and often.   Especially after eating and when he wakes up.    When you take him outside, be sure he pottys, reward him well with a treat and then bring him in for some play time.   If he still has accidents during his play time, I suggest keeping him leashed to you even when in the house to give you 100% control over him and so that he can't "sneak" out of site to have an accident.   I believe that the only way to break a dog of this habit is to completely remove the opportunity for accidents.  If you follow this for a few weeks, I think he'll be back on track.  Just give him a little freedom at a time and see how it goes.

As for the places where he has already gone, please use a good neutralizer to get the smell out.  They sell really good products at Petsmart and petco.  I'm not sure the name of them, but they come in a big jug like cleaners do.  It works wonders.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much Cathy! I'm sure this will do wonders.  I have a question about the wire crate; See, we have a 'kennel' AKA 'crate' already, but it's not at all seethrough, except for the door.  It's about 3x2.  It's plastic.  If we did get a wire crate, would it be a problem considering we have two cats? Neither Beauty nor Killer (our cats) were raised with Cody, so they hiss and occasionally 'paw'(claw) at him.  He doesn't seem to mind, though.. He just continues 'playing'.  But anyway, would a wire-crate increase the chances of their sticking paws in there and hitting him?

 Also, question about that neutralizer, the closest petco or petsmart to us is about a hour & and a half drive from here.. But we do have Wal-Mart and K-Mart, would that work, or do you think it would be worth it driving to the nearest Petstore?

  thanks bunches & God Bless -- Shiri

Hi Shiri,

The reason I always recommend an open wire crate is because it doesn't make the dog feel so confined.  Many dogs develop anxieties when in a plastic crate which are really designed for transport.   I can't see the cats being a problem.   Actually, the use of the open wire crate is also suggested when getting dogs and cats used to one another.  

I have seen the neutralizer sold at Wal-Mart before, but not at K-Mart.    The Wal-Mart's brand worked well also.  Wal-Marts should also sell the wire crate.  

I'm not sure how big Cody is, but be sure to get a crate large enough for him to lay down comfortably and spread out a little.  
