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rescue chases cars

19 9:10:06

About two weeks ago, I adopted a schnauzer/jack russell mix named Herb.  He is estimated to be about 3 years old, but acts very young.  I cannot decide if he's just elated to have a permanent home or if he is, indeed, younger than estimated.  Regardless, I walk him around the neighborhood on a leash because he is a "runner".  When we go to the city park, I let him run free.  However, if a vehicle pulls into the park to drive around, he chases the vehicle and circles it, barking continuously.  He runs in front of the vehicle!!  Is there a way to break him of this very dangerous habit?
Thanks, Kathy

Kathy, he could be younger, or it could just be his temperament. JRTs and Schnauzers are full of energy!

There are several solutions to your problem. The first would be to not let him off lead at all if there's the possibility that he could run away. That means in your yard if your yard is not fenced, on walks, and at the park. Get a long line or a retractable lead (I would recommend one for at least medium sized dogs - they tend to be longer and stronger) to use at the park. That way he can still have *some* freedom, but you will still be able to keep him from running away or running to chase cars in the parking lot.

The other solution would be to enroll him in some sort of obedience course, and teach him the 'emergency down.' It can be difficult to call a dog off a chase, especially terriers! Sometimes the dog will start towards you, but then will turn around and go back after whatever he was chasing to begin with. Telling him to stop and lay down is a more bombproof command because it stops his motion completely and allows you to approach him.

Until he is 100%, I would not allow him off lead.

You might also consider doing agility or flyball with him since he's so active. I bet he'd love it!
