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pad and outside training

19 9:01:28

I have 2 Yochon(yorkie-bichon) that are 3 months ago and I want too know if it's possible to train them on the pads and also go outside? Right know I am training them on the pads and we take them outside to play and they go do their think, anyway. The reason I really want too train them on the pad is because we have a RV and it would be easier if we had too leave them inside, when we go places. We praise and give them treats when they go on the pad but don't make a big deal when they go outside, is this wrong? I don't want too confuse them but is this going too make it harder for us to train them at all?  I read the pros and cons of both but really can't decide which one is the best. Can you tell me if this is a good idea to use them both and can it work?

Hi Martha,
I've never been a fan of potty pads becaise many times I've found them to create housebreaking problems later on.  I feel that they just teach a dog that it is ok to go in the house and they don't always go on the pad.

However, it is strictly a matter of preference on what you want to use for your dog.  Just because some have developed problems, certainly doesn't mean yours will.

If I was going to try to train them on both, I would praise them both when they went on the pad and when they went outside.  I would make sure they used both (as it sounds like you are doing) so they don't get into the habit of using one over the other.   

It can work, it will just take a little more persistence on your part.