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My Yorkie walks on leash, then stops

19 8:59:35

My 4-year-old Yorkie happily lets us put her on a leash, however she walks about 25 feet then stops dead.  If I try to move forward, she is dead weight for me to drag (which I won't).  She was a breeder's dog that we got almost 1 year ago, and she doesn't play with toys, just mostly sleeps and has about 20 minutes of running around at night--we kiddingly call her "autistic".  She only barks when someone comes into our home or office, and generally is not very demanding.  In general, not a "normal" dog!  We would really love to walk her as she needs the exercise, and so do we!!

Hello Pam,

Dogs like people have different dispositions. Some of us are high-energy and others are coach potatoes.

Yorkies were not breed to be high energy. Sounds like on the scale of one to ten regarding energy level, that your yorkie is a one. It also sounds like she has many other lovable qualities.

Count your blessings and try not to interfere too much with her nap time.

Good Luck!
