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Prey drive question

18 17:46:15

Hi Cindy,

I have a question about my 3 year old German Shepherd, Husky, Weimaraner mix named Karlie.

Karlie has a very high prey drive, she is constantly on the lookout for wildlife (we have woods surrounding us). Unfortunately, no matter how hard I try, she has gotten away from me a few times this summer chasing mostly rabbits. When she is chasing these animals I don't exist in her world, she is so focused on chasing that animal. I have been lucky that the few times she got away I was able to catch her (only because the animal hid somewhere and she stopped with it), but I worry that that may not always be the case or she may get hurt.

My question is, how do I get her to come to me when she is in her prey mode? She has completed 3 obedience classes, so it's not a matter of she doesn't know what "come" means, she is just so focused on that animal that she doesn't hear anything else.

Thanks for the help,
Ricki and Karlie

Hi Ricki and Karlie --

That's a challenge. I was just working with someone on this this afternoon. Once the dog is what I call "locked in" to their prey drive, it's almost too late to call them away. The best time is before they go into the attack mode.

Here are a few articles that may help you:

Knowing what "come" means is not the issue. It's a matter of what the dog finds most motivating. You need to work with the dog under distraction, starting at low levels and working up. You also need to use a high value reinforcer and be careful when teaching your dog to come to you under distraction that you begin not only with low level distractions, but at a close distance. That is, do not add distance at the same time you increase distraction. work on increasing each of these incrementally and separately.

These articles should help you - good luck!
