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Husky Puppy Housebreaking

18 17:58:38

we are trying to housebreak our puppy but he doesn't mind eliminating or
defecating in his crate.  I read some of the instructions on this site and haven't
found a technique yet that works.  he is 9 weeks old....thanks!

A couple of questions:

1.  How big is his crate?  If it's too big, he'll go at one end and lay at the other.  In order for a crate to work best, it should only be large enough for him to stand and to turn around.  Unfortunately, with large breeds, we need a crate for a small puppy, but then ultimately need a crate for a large dog.  If you have a large crate, see if you can purchase a divider that makes the space smaller, and then you can remove the divider as the dog grows.  

2.  How long is he in the crate?  Most puppies can't hold their urine and bowels for more than several hours at at time.  Sometimes it's months before they can hold it for an entire work day.  If you're gone 6-8 hours, can you find someone to come in and take him outside?

Here are some articles that you may be able to use:

3.  If you continue to have problems after implementing these ideas, you may want to double-check with your vet to be sure there's no medical reason, i.e. urinary infection, that may be causing this.