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CAGE to NO CAGE potty training

18 17:56:32

i have a jack Russell about 5 years old,she came from someone who used her only to have puppys.she is what they call a throw a way dog.which i think is sad,she was kept in a cage i don't keep her in the cage,only at night and when i go night she sometimes go potty in the cage.evertime i go some where she does go potty in the cage.she also poops in the house and sometimes working on going out side to go.she will pee outside not poop.what can i do to stop this.i have to bath her everyday cause of this.thank you

Unfortunately puppy mill dogs never get to learn potty training or other social skills.  

Follow a standard potty training program.  Potty every two hours outside. Watch the dog as soon as it begins to position it self to go, take it outside. Praise when the dog goesd where you want and a tiny treat.  

Try not crating the dog at all after two weeks of potty training. Just put some bedding where you want the dog to sleep.  Eliminate all food and water access 2-3 hours before bedtime. Potty trip last thing at night and first thing in the morning. Also feed the dog right after potty break and then potty the dog immediately after eating.

This is to establish a food in, waste out relationship so the dog learns to go potty only after eating.

Henry Ruhwiedel
Westwind Kennels LLC