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Cant toilet train 1 yr old Chiwawa

18 17:51:04

Dear Henry, about 3 weeks ago, i adopted a 1 yr old Chiwawa. He came from a very bad environment, caged up all day and i'm not sure if he is even let out at all for his whole life. He shits and wees and eats in the same cage, and when i took him out from there is is covered with pee and poo from head to tail.

i took him back him, cleaned him up and kept him well fed and a proper home, but i just can't get him toilet trained, its really getting on my nerves, i really need help! He poos on wherever he wants, he steps and pounds on it until everything is flat, and steps it everywhere in the house.

He is so used to shit and pee anywhere anytime like where he came from. i need help!

The dog has never learned how to be a dog. It is lacking in social skills and never learned normal body functions. The dog will take a lot of work starting with outside toilet training, socialization and doggy skills. Likely it needs to be around another dog that is properly developed. This dog has been abused and as such, needs to be trained and cared for much more so than a normal chihuahua. You will need the help of a local trainer.

Henry Ruhwiedel
westwind Kennels LLC