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Inapproprite pooping

18 17:57:28

QUESTION: My dog and I just moved to a differeny house.  He seems unhappy here.  At first he wouldn't eat or dtink.  He won't pee or poop here except in the house.  He is 7-8 years old- a rescue I've had nearly three years with no toileting problems. He's never peed or pooped while on a leash, so that hasn't been a solution. He goes at the fog park and I've brought his fresh poop home and put it in the yard. I use Nature's Miracle and have a baby gate covering his chosen spot.  Do you have other ideas?

ANSWER: Hello, Gerrie!

I probably need more information from you to give an adequate recommendation.  What was the potty regimen at your previous home?  What is different or the same at the new home (ie:  did you just let him out in the yard to potty, and do you do the same thing at the new place)?  Do you know if there were previously any pets at your new home?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

At the old house, he went out the back door and did his business on the lawn.  When he came in at night, he got a cookie along with his medication. I've tried the same here, but the yard is very different here, there is no grass. There is also one open side to the backyard here. He is timid about his toileting.  Could it just be he feels exposed? At the old house, we replaced people with a dog just as we did here.  However there has been a four or five month gap since the last tenants were here.  This morning I sat with him outside but he just sat and watched me. I don't want him to make himself sick.  At the dog park today, he peed but didn't poop. I can't take him to the dog park twice a day.  He has to go at home.


It sounds like you are renting, so I suspect adding a patch of lawn in a private area is out of the question.  So, if you think your dog likes privacy when he poops, you may even want to just add something to shield him from the open side of the yard - maybe a couple of tall plants or something you already have in the yard that could be moved to act as a shield.  You may even consider changing his feeding schedule, which may prompt him to need to poop before he goes to bed at night.  Probably the quickest fix you could implement would be to use a dog crate in the house at night.  Dogs usually will not soil where they sleep.  Here is a link to a good article on crate training:
Good luck!