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Dog Pottying in the house at 4 & 7

18 17:51:46

We have had our dogs for 3 and 4 years and they both are potty trained but over the last 2 years they have started peeing in the house randomly but more frequently.  It started out mostly when we were not home or at night that we would find a puddle on the kitchen floor where they are corralled.  It is now that they are doing it mostly when we are home but they go to another part of the house where there are no people only for us to find it later.  We have a 2 year old and another one on the way soon and I can't handle the mess of dogs and kids.  They are basically good dogs that are good around kids and people but we can't take much more of this behavior and are desperate for help or advice.  I guess the other problem is that we are not positive which dog or if its both dogs.  We are not sure how to discipline either and have tried several different things but nothing seems to work.

Hi Deanna!

First, I believe positive reinforcement is more effective than discipline for dogs, so keep that in mind.  When dogs "forget" that they are potty trained, you really need to just go back to basics and re-train them.  Don't give them freedom to run all over the house until they earn it again.  I hope this blog post will help:

Good luck!
