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learning to walk on a leash

18 17:50:10

I have a 10 week old adopted-rescue mixed terrier female puppy.  Bella will be very stubborn when walking out to a destination, but with the command...Bella go home, she picks up her leash in her mouth and will walk very nicely at my heel.  She is digging in her heels, whining, crying, fighting all the way on the way out.  I have tried walking two feet and rewarding her when she comes to me and doing that repeatedly, but it only works a handful of times.  I am praising her when she does walk a few steps and rewarding her with treat and love.  I have been consistent with my two commands of Bella walk and Bella go home.  It is obvious that she can walk nicely on her leash as I said earlier, she does it all the way home.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I doubt if this is stubbornness at this early age:-)  She may just be going through a brief fear period, which is common between age 8.5-10.5 weeks.  So, you are doing the right thing by encouraging, rewarding for progress, and not making a big deal out of it.  If she's still hesitant in a couple more weeks, then you might want to think whether something has really scared her in the neighborhood.
At this age, your puppy should be actively socializing with other puppies, new people, etc.  This article explains: