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accidents upon returning from boarding

19 9:03:45

Jack is a 10 month old male lab mix who was boarded for the first time for 5 days.  It was at a home like facility where the dog is allowed to do its business in the yard but also tends to be crated when not out playing.  We had previously used crating to potty train Jack and felt like we were home free when he was left gated in the kitchen during workdays without accidents.  Upon returning home he seems to have no concept of scratching at the back door like he used to or holding it in. I'm thinking we'll use the crate again to prevent the accidents but should he snap out of this quickly or am I starting from scratch?  Is there anything I should be doing other than treating him like a puppy in house training again?

Hello Sarah,

You are 100% correct to go back to the crate again.  Jack should only need a "refresher" course, not starting from scratch.  Probably a week of crating with scheduled "outs" should do the trick.

What you are going thru is very common when a dog comes home from a kennel.  

If he continues to have frequent urinating problems, you might want to check him out for a urinary tract infection.  Sometimes having to hold it for long hours can cause this -- another common problem after being kenneled.
