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GSD-length of training session

18 18:01:44

My GSD Ruby, will be two in April and I am training her to be off leash.  How long should I spend each day in training her?  We have a ways to go as she is easily distracted.  I keep a long, light, poly rope on her when we play in case she bolts.  She is responding to my commands more and more but I feel I don't spend enough time with her each day.  What is best?  Is 30 minutes ok?

I have found the best way to train is in short sessions and then additional time spent in day-to-day living skills settings. I find that dogs get bored and some can get overwhelmed if the training sessions are too long.

I like several 5-10 minute session throughout the day for specific skills and then basic abilities any time it is convenient for you to work the dog. The thirty minutes is probably a good amount of time as long as your dog is a willing participant.

Good Luck!