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dog peeing on people

19 8:58:14

we have recently had a baby and our parsons Russell terrier (jack Russell) 1yr (which has had the snip)has started to pee on people in the house. please advise on why he is doing this and a possible way to prevent this

many thanks

Can't say for certain why he is doing this. My guess is he is upset by the change in his routine, and mark his terrirtory. He's also an adolescent, when dogs tend to push boundaries and try out all sorts of undesirable behavior. I'd go back to treating him like an unhousebroken puppy - close supervision, a sharp verbal interrupter if he thinks about lifting his leg. You might also consider temporarily using a belly band, which leaves him simply feeling uncomfortably wet (you'd change it of course) instead of satisfied at his ability to claim stuff as "his", Sandy Case MEd, CPDT