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Indoor Housetraining

19 13:56:27

Hi Emily - We own a 2-year old malti-poo mix named Mia.  She is the sweetest dog - very loving and doesn't have an ounce of agression in her.  Her only BAD trait is that she likes to potty in different places within the house. Since she was a puppy, we have had her going on piddle pads that are in the downstairs and upstairs bathrooms. She goes pee on them about 90% of the time, but she poops on them only about 25% of the time.  If she's not being constantly watched, she goes in the spare room, the bonus room, the dining room - you name it.  However, she ONLY goes in those places when she's alone.  My children OFTEN forget to close the gate to keep her confined to the downstairs and when that happens, she thinks it's open season on the carpet!  Also, when we leave her alone at home, she has free run of the downstairs and she'll pee and poop on the family carpet.  I'm ready to scream!  We had to replace the carpet, now, so I am now confining her to the laundry room like she's a puppy again.  There, she has access to the bathroom where her pads are, but also has a separate space for her bed and food.  But, it breaks my heart to do this to her because she is so upset when we leave.  She shakes like a leaf.  What do I do?  Am I waisting my time?  Am I making it worse by upsetting her? Is she too old now to learn to only go on the pads?

Please help!  Thanks!


Thank you for your question Jennifer. And sorry I took so long.
I think the best solution for this problem with Mia would be supervision. You say she has free run alot of the time. This is not good if you want to retrain her. First off, because of the kids(Don't worry, I have one myself), get a crate. Then get a padlock. One with a key. Keep one key on your car set, one on your house set.
When you can't supervise her put her in her crate. IF you aren't home, even if someone else is(If you want the job done right, do it yourself), lock her in with the padlock. Treat her as you would a puppy. Ignore the bad completely, it seems she is nervous. So even if you catch her, just pick her up and place her on a puppy pad. When she goes on the pad, praise alot, but don't get her too excited.
Don't worry about upsetting her. She must be used to it, as you did this when she was a pup. Don't get her excited when you leave or when you return. Just say bye, and lock her up(that sounded so cruel, not my intention). When you return, leave her a few minutes then just let her out. Nothing said. Nothing to get worried, upset or excited about.
She is not too old, although this may take a little while. If she isn't spayed, it may help to have her spayed.
You may have to do this for a long time, maybe even years. But its easier on your carpet and wallet. It doesn't hurt her. She still get quality time with you. So no worries. If it helps, leave  few toys with her.

I hope I've helped. If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask.
