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19 13:41:59

please can you help me im very scared my staffys going to have puppys its worked out that if she is  she should have them the 22 dec (bad timing!!!) but im worried sonething will go wrong and its so close to xmas could i get her the help she needs in time, i dont no for sure she is its just she did get get knotted with my boy staffy (to soon for our likeing) and her tits look abit bigger,what do you think

Hi Julie;
Sounds like a pretty sure thing to me.
To be sure, take her to her Veterinarian NOW! and you will know if she is, and what to feed her to ensure her health and that of her puppies. VERY IMPORTANT!
You can also discuss her birth care with the Vet, and your mind will be at ease, and your baby will get the help and nourishment she needs.
They need prenatal care just as much a pregnant human women do.