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problems with losing control /weakness back legs

20 9:01:30

My 6 year old male Harlequin Dane has just recently been walking like he's drunk.  especially going around corners, his back legs stagger.  Also he is starting to drag his right rear foot.  he's had no obvious injury and the Vet thinks it is neurological.  They said he's to old for "wobbles" disease.  i was wondering if this is common and ideas on what we might look for?

This is a regular thing with older danes, not usually this young though.  It seems as though the nerves in the spine are dying off and he is losing the ability to feel anything from thre pelvis back and he will eventually lose the ability to walk and control his bladder and other functions.

You will have to bite the bullet in the near future and decide to euthanase him or whether you want him to suffer further because you don't want to lose him.
