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5 year old golden retriever

19 18:00:59

my golden retriever just went in heat 2 days ago,she is 5 years old and we just got her a month ago. Can you please tell me how long this bleeding will last and is she too old to be spayed?

The worst of the bleeding only lasts about 2 weeks.  They make sanitary garments for dogs, but perhaps just to get by this time, you could use something like children's training pants with the tail coming out the fly.  Some discharge may continue several weeks.  

There are other hassles too you will have to go through before carrying out your plans to be a responsible dog owner.  Their behavior becomes more extreme weeks before the bleeding starts.  Then they will make strenuous, creative efforts to escape.  Once loose, getting bred is minor compared to some of the other things that can happen to a dog running loose.  Unplanned breedings or even a bath or swim can cause expensive to cure if not fatal infections.  Spaying prevents many cancers later.  Having her spayed will make life easier for both her and you.

There is no problem spaying her once the heat cycle is over and the vet is willing to do it.  Responsible breeders retire there breeding stock after maybe 5 litters, and spay them then.