Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > Cages


19 17:53:22

I've got a 9 weeek old Male GSD pup. He's very much imprinted on me to the extent that when I stand still for more than 10 seconds, he lies on my feet. we've got a cage for him but any time we put him in it, he totally freaks! Panic and biting at the mesh. I have managed to get him to sit in the cage with the door open by putting a marrow bone in the cage. Can you give any advice on getting him to regard the cage as his bed and a safe place to be?

HI ralph
By doing what u just told me u did with the pup, left the door open and try doing this and feed him in it sometimes, offer treats, put all his toys in there.  Make him feel like it is his den.  When u close the door, the pup could be clostophobic?   Yes, dogs get human disease also.

Keep working with him on short periods treating him, if possible many of my customers leave the door open always and the dog is house broken and goes in on its on at bedtime.  If not close it for short periods until he adjusts, he is just a baby very young and this is totally new.

Kind Regards
look on litters on my site at the happy pups born dec 4 in new homes, had 9 but many do not send me photos to post up