Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > BEHAVIOR PROBLEM


19 17:48:52

Hi Patt
 I have a sheperd that I obtained from an online advertisement. They were giving her away for free. She is three years old and is very sweet but she is very skiddish and runs away when some one approaches. I have tried a few things that I thought would work but so far no success. Any help from you would be of great use and help.

                 Thanks Hubert

Take the dog on a leash and quietly walk her, talking to her to gain her trust and faith in you.  Walk her in a park with kids, noise, sit down and let her watch this.  Do this for a week or more.  Pet and praise her alot so she gains strength in her mind.
Expose her slowly to crossing a bridge on leash, walking among alot of kids playing and hollering in a play ground or some place such as.  Expose her to everything u can think of on leash only till it becomes OLD HAT to her.  I had a male that came from Germany like this and it just took alot of time and patience and work and the dog went into Therapy training, I took him to old folks homes, it was the utmost best thing for him being exposed to wheel chairs, walkers, old people kind and sweet.

Kind Regards