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Pulling when walking

19 17:48:52

I have a first cross German Shepherd/Labrador and he is 3 years old now. The problem is that when I take him for a walk he pulls like crazy. He's a substantial dog and I'm only slightly built and I fear he'll get away from me - he doesn't come immediately when called either. What can I do to help remedy this situation?

Hello Debbie
Put a long line on him like clothes line cut to about thirty feet.  Let him go out, then call his name Joey for example, if he ignores u reel him in the pet him the let him out again, call loudly like u have a big steak in your hand for him is the excitement in your voice for him to come here, if not,  reeel him in till he soon comes when called if u want to use treats than pet n praise.....fine u r the boss here.
Teach the SIT COMMAND NOW I mean Sit when u say sit.  He must sit at your left knee and look up at u always hold a treat of favorites here to teach him to look up and say:   LOOK UP JOEY loudly.  Then take one step, if he pulls go back to SIT COMMAND AND MAKE HIM SIT, take up extra slack on leash and keep ahold of him if it takes a choke collar for training I use the Monks of New Sketes liitle nylon one with quick pops and quick releases work great, but pop hard and release quickly.  Use a loud stern voice and give commands like your in DIar straights, and make him sit first at left knee, then say: HEEL, one step at a time, if he pulls start over with sit and do this until he takes one step without pulling u and then praise to high heaven hugs hugs.
Dogs live to please us if they know right from wrong, so hugs mean so much to the dog.  Work two or three times a day on just this SIT, HEEL ONE STEP PET N PRAISE AND BACK TO SIT, ONE STEP AND ON AND ON AND ON.
Work on the COME HERE JOEY NOW on a long rope clothes rope cut off and reel him in if he does not listen, soon he will come for a treat or hug.  Short training periods often work, not long ones or u undo all.

Kind Regards
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