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interested in adopting a puppy GSD.

19 17:27:01


pic of the gsd puppy
Hey, im considering adopting a GSD pup, my only concern's are, do the ears stand at attention when there older, i kind of like the floppy ear pic i saw of the puppy, also would a 2 bedroom apt, be considered to small to house one?

They are born with their ears down.  Usually they are up by 2 months, although I have heard of them coming up as late as 18 months.  

I see no problem with a small apartment.  Few dogs get their exercise running about the house.  Plan on plenty of walks and visits to areas it can run.  

One of the best sources for dogs with a predictable personality is the rescue dogs. These are dogs that lost their home, but were taken into a foster home to be retrained as necessary and placed in the right home for them. You may find a rescue near you starting at The rescues charge a fee to help cover their expenses, but is much less than the price of a puppy plus all its medical expenses the first year.  Also check