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coat problems after grooming

19 17:21:42

We have a german shepherd crossed with a labrador. She usually has a very healthy looking solid black coat. She is almost 2 years old and was spayed a year ago. We had her coat cut by a groomer about a month ago. She was cut quite tight and  since then we have noticed that areas on her hind are not growing back as normal. The areas look grey-tan in colour and the hair is very dry and almost looks dead. When I brush these areas she seems quite uncomfortable.Are there any treatments,remedies or advise that you can suggest. We are very concerned as Jess plays a big part in our lives.

Damage to a dog's coat can be slow to recover.  It could also be something unrelated.  You might check with your vet too.  

This link advises not to have the dog shaved, but does go on to discuss what happens.  I have seen a dog with damage to its coat go all summer and not recover until the new winter coat came in in the fall.