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GSD ears and elizabethan collar

19 17:32:32

We just had our 4 month old GSD neutered today.  He came home w/an elizabethan collar on and we were instructed to leave it on for 2 weeks.  His ears are not yet standing on their own and I'm worried this collar with have an impact on his ears standing upright.  Our vets office seems to think it won't bother them at all, but I'd like a second opinion.  I don't want to interfere with the ear development, or his healing process from his neuter procedure either.  Any recommendations?

Trust your vet.  I am not sure anybody has a real idea how things affect the ears.

It is well known that an early switch to adult chow develops better joints.  I would switch to adult chow as soon as you runlow in puppy chow.  You need to mix the adult chow into the puppy chow until after a week, it is all adult chow.