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window sills

19 17:39:48

Our german shepherd mix can see out the windows but insists on putting her paws (and nails!) up on the sills which causes scratches. How can I get her to keep her feet on the ground? Thanks

Your dog is needs a consistent pack leader that she will listen to.  If she is not listening to your attempts to stop her jumping on the window sill chances are there are many other areas you are having trouble too.



The first thing you need to know is that dogs are at their happiest when they are in their submissive state in the care of a trusted and consistent pack leader.  In the wild the pack leader sets the boundaries and the dogs eagerly comply.  They know it is in their best interests to do so - their life depends on it.  

A pack leader immediately corrects inappropriate behavior and ensures that the dogs needs are met.  

Dogs live in the present so they don't know what they are in trouble for when they get heck for something they did yesterday or an hour ago.  If they are asked to come and they comply only to get into trouble they are afraid to come the next time because when they come they get into trouble.

A pack leader is not unstable.  Does not yell, does not physically hurt, the dog, is not inconsistent in behaviors.  Dogs don't listen to that behavior they defend themselves from it.  A pack Leader is consistent and can be trusted and the pack knows exactly what to expect.

When I correct my dogs off lead or around the house, I consistently use the same method.  This develops a mutual trust and my dogs know what to expect.

I show my dominance to the dog by providing an instant correction at the time my dog does the inappropriate behavior.  


I correct my dogs by showing my dominance over them, looking them in the eye, leaning towards them, pointing at them, or gently moving them where I want them while I say a fast authoritative Shhh.  This gets their attention off of what they are doing and on to me.   

In your case you might want to add the word "OFF" when correcting your dog when she goes on the window sill.  

When my dog's understand the correction and have learned the appropriate behavior,  I just have to use the "OFF" Command     or I also use an Ah Ah Ah without the necessity of showing dominance (instead of no).  They usually stop the behavior and act appropriately if not, I correct with dominance as above.

At first your dog may not know how to respond to this change in you and will be shown with your consistency. In your case, it will require a number of corrections until your dog learns that placing her paws on the sill is inappropriate.  The key is Consistency in correction and correcting while in the act.  

If she does it in your presence 5 times, you must correct 5 times.  If she does it 10 and your correct 1 time, your dog will not learn to obey your correction.  Do not correct her if you have not caught her in the act.


A dog that is pulling, sniffing, going the other way, barking at people etc. needs to be corrected.

3 Ways to Correct
1.  Pull the lead towards you with a short fast jerk. Don't hurt the dog.  It is only to get his attention off what he is doing and on to you.  Then relax your arm keeping it by your pant pocket.  (if you want your dog to relax, you must relax).  The goal is to put your dog in a relaxed state of mind.  Put your thumb in your pocket to get used to where it should be.  Hold the access lead in your right hand.

2.  Adopt a verbal correction.  I say Shhh very fast in an authoritative manner while quickly pulling the lead towards me.

3.  If the dog remains stubborn, I gently touch the dog with my foot. I do not kick the dog or hurt the dog  I simply touch him to get his attention.  I often teach my dog to sit when I stop.  And if stubborn I often stop.  When I have the dog's attention, I continue.

The above corrections are designed to take the dog's attention off what he is doing to put his attention on you.  The more he is corrected the more he will learn to pay attention to you and the less he will do the undesired behavior.  Corrections must occur at the moment the dog acts.  You can prevent pulling by correcting just as he turns his head to pull.  You can prevent barking by correcting the moment he starts to bark.

Correcting while in the act and CONSISTENCY is the key.  Your dog will learn fast.

TEACH YOUR DOG WORDS SHE CAN RELATE TO. My dogs learn these as very small pups.  

Down - to lay down
Off - for jumping up, window sills, counter tops
Leave It - ignore items that she shouldn't be playing with
Go Lay Down

It is very important to Praise Your Dog when your dog is doing what you want.  Say Good Heel, Good Sit, Good Down, Good Stay, Good Off in an excited tone.  This gives your dog a word picture she can relate to desired behavior.  Dogs remember sounds.  Pet your Dog.  Hug her.  Get excited.  Give her a treat when she is doing what you want.  

If she knows you like it and it's what you expect she'll continue the behavior.

Most definitely, learn to become a Pack Leader to your dog.     You will have a rewarding mutual respect and a long happy life together.

The more you understand your dog the better quality of life you both will have.  For more help with training go to a trainer near you for basic manners and obedience training or purchase books and dvds on how to train and care your german shepherd.  These are available on my website at

Wishing You and Your Dog a Long Happy Life Together.