Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > i have a male black lab about...

i have a male black lab about...

19 17:51:01

i have a male black lab about 4 yrs old . i would like to get another dog. we had another female lab but had to put her down due to kidney failure. i wanted to know if german sheperds got along with other dogs and cats . thanks paul

Hi, yes german shepherds can get along fine with other animals, especially if they have been raised with them.  Ideally you would want a puppy so that it would learn how to get along with your other animals since it would be raised with them.  An older dog is harder, especially if you do not know their past as far as how they were raised to interact with other animals.  If you get an older dog, get as much history on them as possible, i.e. were they raised with other animals, how many homes have they been through, and of course why are the people getting rid of the dog.  Hope this helps.
