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feeding and weight issues and hinquaters ..

19 17:43:11

i hav a 8 month old gsd pup , who is not interested in eating , whenever we give him somthing he ignores it  , ihav tried many dog foods but he hs not shown ny pogress  and , his weight is 22 kgs , is it ok . another problems is that his hind quaters are weak , means that while walking they bent to the inner sides , so please sggest .
Thank U

It is quite typical for young German Shepherds to be light eaters.  As long as his ribs don't show much, he is better off a little on he bony side.  Pick an adult, meat based, concentrated chow and stick with it making the change over to it slowly over a week.  The fewer protein sources you feed a young dog, the easier it will be to work around any allergies that develop later.  Switching to an adult chow slows growth allowing more time for sturdy joints to develop before reaching it full adult size.  

Put down the dish with what the dog should eat, and give it 15 minutes to eat. Then take it up. Do not give it anything to eat until its next scheduled meal. In a few days, it should be eating what it needs. Continue to check its ribs and adjust the food as needed, see  This is not easy. I had a Shepherd go 3 days on a few nibbles. I was a wreck, but she was fine. It is almost unknown for a healthy dog not to eat what it needs. Unfortunately, in too many cases, it is less than the package says, and less than the owner thinks the dog should have. Many dogs are quite good at holding out for tastier chow. Like kids, sometimes it calls for tough love.

As for the legs bowing in, check with your vet.