Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > submissiveness


19 17:44:23

I have a 4 year old spayed female GSD.  We recently purchased a GSD pup who is now 5 months old.  When the older dog and the pup play, the pup will lick the older dogs teeth and will stick her paw in the older dogs mouth.  The pup will also lay on her back and is always submissive to the older dog.  Should we discourage this behavior when they play and, if so, how do we approach it without reprimanding the dogs?  I just don't want the pups submissiveness to turn into fears that may cause her to fear bite.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Judy Kent

Hi Judy,  Do not discourage this behavior.  This is exactly what the puppy is supposed to do.  That is typical pack behavior.  She is letting the older dog know that she is respecting her place as the pack leader, and that is a very important thing because when she gets older and gets to the age of wanting to be pack leader, you want that heirarchy already established between the two of them.  In no way will that make her a fear biter in anyway,  it is extremely important behavior between the two dogs.  Hope this helps,
