Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > GSD BEHAVIOUR


19 17:48:24

I have a 15 month old GSD male. Over the last few weeks he has started to show more aggression towards all the family.If he has something in his mouth or what he considers his possession and anybody goes near him to take it away from him he bares his teeth very aggressively and growls. He has not bitten any body yet but its only a matter of time.Nothing seems to have changed is his living environment to alter his behavior, but it seems as though he will attack one of us before long.Any suggestions?

Hi Mark,  First you need to get the dog into obedience training so that he can understand where he stands in the heirarchy of the family.  He is at an age that if is was in the wild he would take on the leader of the pack to be pack leader, so the behavior you are seeing is the same type of behavior.  Trying to establish that he is higher up the ladder than everybody else.  It is very dangerous behavior and you need to get it under control now before it escalates.  Also, if he is not neutered, you need to get him neutered.  The testosterone will not be helping and will fuel the aggressioin even more.  What is happening is natural for a dog at this age, but not to this point.  Normally they will test to see who's boss, but he is just taking it up a notch.  Get training and neutering as soon as possible to get this nipped in the bud.  Also, make sure everyone in the family is involved in the training so that he understands he has to listen to everyone.  I would go to a private trainer, where you get one on one work, not a group class as your problem is a lot more serious and needs that special work.  Hope this helps,
