Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > crate


19 17:27:51

Hello, I have an almost 7 month old great dane which we have had for 3 months. He is very calm and docile but has what I call separation anxiety when in his crate only during the day - night is fine, he goes to bed until between 6-7 am. I am a stay-at-home mom. I have read symptoms of separation anxiety, but they don't seem to fit him. He doesn't show anxiousness when we get ready to leave (I have 4 kids and we are always crazy busy anyway). I get his treat ready and he goes into his crate willingly. But as soon as we leave, he starts whining, crying, pawing at the crate door and it will escalate to a bit of howling and barking. I can't put my life on hold and stay home with him always, but I have guilt about going anywhere, I feel so tied down to him and am beginning to feel regret. I know I could leave the house and he has no choice but to get used to it, but I think about him panting, crying, drooling and freaking out and I can't enjoy my kids or what I am out to do...any suggestions that won't take alot of work? I have a 9,7,5 and almost 2 year old too.


Crazy busy is right!!!!   You have crate trained him, so you are on the right path.   I would crate him like I was going to leave, making sure that he is tired and ready for a nap.  Go out, drive away, and come back in 5 min.  Go in the house and ignore him, after 5 mins leave again.  Do the same thing again, but this time after you come in and ignore him for 5 min. (as long as he is quiet - you cannot open the crate if he is fussing) let him out quietly give him a couple of pats very low key and put him back in the crate.  Leave again, do a 10 min leave and return do the same.  This time put him in his crate and stay home for awhile.  Let him out when he is quiet and let him have play time.   I might even crate him while I am home during the day for an hour.  Go in and out of the house a few times to the yard and back.etc.   The whole premise is not to make the leaving or returning a big deal.  And never open the crate door when he is fussing, whining, etc.

You are on the right track...  just need a bit of fine tuning.  Let me know how this works or if I need to clarify anything.  I will be away til early next week so try this for a few days and then follow up next week.

Thanks for your question,
