Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > my gsd ear dont stand

my gsd ear dont stand

19 17:43:56

hi my german shephrd dog is 17 month old and still his ears dont stand. some times when he gets exited then his ears stands properly. is there amy medicin or any other way to this problem

Hi Sumit,  Unfortunately at this age he is past the time of being able to get the ear up permanently.  You have to do it before a year of age.  At a year, most cartlidge, bone etc. sets in the body and stays the way it is.  In some breeds, GSDs, Italian Greyhounds, Shelties etc they can have lazy ears that they can put up when they want but flop over when they are relaxed.  When they have lazy ears, you will tend to see them put the ears up when they are excited or alert to something.  Hope this helps,
