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Timid around strangers

19 17:40:06

I have a wonderful bullmastiff dog that is about 1 year old now. She is very
sweet and I try to train her and work with her every day. She has suddenly
started being timid around people that she does not know when we take her
for walks. She is OK if they do not try to pet her. She has not tried to bite, just
kind of cowers away. She was always very friendly up until now. I have
thought that I socialized her well. I took her to work as a baby and all that.
Once she lets them finally pet her then she loves them. I dont know if this will
get worse or better as time goes on. She is very sweet and I have no problems
with her besides that. Do you have any suggestions. Pam Reed

It sounds like one of the fear stages younger puppies go through at times.  She may have had a bad experience too.  You could try carrying some treats with you.  I have filled a 35 mm film canister with a puppy's regular kibble and carried it in my pocket when my puppies went through a fear stage.  

Don't push her and hope she grows out of it.