Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > follow up to wary of strangers...

follow up to wary of strangers...

19 17:38:08

Hi thanks for your quick response to my question about my 1 1/2 yr old shepherd hard to control when visitors come over my house.
Just wanted to let you know that she has been exposed to tons of people since we got her at 9 weeks.. we take her everywhere with us. We recently took her to a fair and everyone was coming up to her petting her and she loved it, licking everyone, not hesitant at all. She only gets crazy when people come to our house. I'll put her in my backyard to calm down a bit when visitors walk in my house so she doesn't scare them off, but I don't always want to do that. Is there an easy solution to this.. like simply telling her it's ok?

I am sorry, but by starting a new question, it makes is hard for me to refer back to the other.  Recently I have been answering 10-15 questions a day here, and forget details of past questions.  Likely I mentioned how you react and the need to treat people positively when they arrive.  Telling her it is OK could be a part of it.