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house training offers

19 17:39:20

Hello Labman, I have found your answers very helpful with my German Shepherd pup, but can you tell me if the ads promising 6 or 7 day guaranteed potty training GS. Is there really a 'secret' to training these dogs?
Thank you again for all the advice you've given already.
C Dempsey

You would think if there really was a secret, the large dog guide school that has been breeding puppies for a long time would have stumbled on it.  If so, they aren't passing it on to the volunteers caring for their puppies.  My methods are largely based on what was in the manual they gave me in 1991.  There was little new in the latest manual 2 years ago.  I have added details from my personal experience.  Hunt up housebreaking in the Wikipedia.  It is a little longer than mine, but says little more.  Some of it is my work.  Search the net and most of what you find has less than I do.  There are only 2 real secrets.  1. Pay close attention to the puppy.  2.  Give its body time to mature a little.  Some people have better luck putting the puppy on a schedule.  I prefer to try to put myself in its schedule.  Secrets are hard to keep on the net.  I see many posts on the net about ways of housebreaking.  Many people are on a big ego trip to show how much they know.  If they invested in a secret that worked, they would blab it.  Most of what I am not doing already is abusive. I once found the suggestion of putting tabasco sauce in the puppy's mouth if it had an accident.  The lady that suggested that was hounded off the site.  Maybe I have missed something, but I would be surprised if you would get much for your money.