Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > jumping on back doors and windows

jumping on back doors and windows

19 17:28:01

I have a 9 month old german shepherd who will not stop jumping on doors and windows. She is also very dominant (not agressive). Please help.


I don't know if she is doing this when she is inside or outside.  A 9 mos old is can be very headstrong and so lots of repetition and patience is required.   I would use "OFF" for anything she jumps on and if she gets off and then "SIT" she gets a treat.   I also put her on a leash and collar when you are doing this so you have control.   You can correct her with the collar and make her get off in the beginning and as she gets better and begins to understand "off" you can give her a chance to do it right before correcting.   Lots of praise when she gets it right and a treat.  Do obedience classes with her as the greater the bond and leadership you have with her the more success you will have in all areas of her training and behavior.
