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German Shepherd Ears and Teething

19 17:27:12


Roxy, 3 months
Hello, I purchased a female full breed german shepherd a few weeks ago. She is about three and a half months now and I have not gotten her spayed yet. However, when I bought her, her ears were standing straight up, it was all anyone ever commented on. But about four days ago, her left ear started to fold over toward the outside of her head, and her right one is still very much up. Is it possible that this floppy ear is due to her teething process? I did not want to tape or glue it, but if you think it is necessary I will look into it. Will the left ear pop back up after the teething process is complete? I attached an image of her ears before the left one dropped. Thank you!


Shepherd ears never look the same 2 days in row when they are teething!  They can go up and down and sideways.  The fact that she had them up strongly before is a very good indication that they will go back up.   I wouldn't worry about it unless they are not up by 5 mos.   Have fun with your puppy.
