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Feeding 7 Wk Puppies - diahrrea

19 17:38:39

Hi, I have brought 2 German Shepherd puppies (3 days ago) and they both have diarrhea. They are just over 7 weeks old. One of them is very runny, like water and the other is semi hard - diarrhea and both  is like a tanny brown colour. Do you think this has something to do with the fact that they are in different surroundings, different water,excitement etc. Otherwise these seem healthy and happy and have taken really well to my other boy who is 7 months old. If you could give me any tips on how I can help them become solid I would really appreciate it. Thanks Rachael xx

German Shepherds have sensitive digestive systems and puppy's even more.  They usually get diarrhea when their food has been switched too fast, or when drinking a different water as you suggested.  

The diarrhea is hard on them and will subside in time, however, if you are able to get some of the food the breeder fed the pups you should try a gradual switch


Feed 75 old food and 25 new food for a few days, then 50 Old and 50 New for another few days then 25 old 75 new another few then finally 100 New.

I recommend a Premium Large Breed Puppy Dog food for pups under 15 months  Both Royal Canin and Ekanuba make excellent large breed puppy food and both make an adult dog food formulated especially for german shepherds.

A Video Clip Regarding German Shepherd Special Dietary Needs

For Info on Royal Canin Large Breed Puppy (under 15 Months) Designed specifically for the growing needs of the Large Breed Dog.; and

Feeding Guidelines For Pups on Royal Canin Large Breed Puppy

For Info German Shepherd (Over 15 Months)- Royal Canin makes a dog food designed specifically for the special needs of the adult German Shepherd.

Tips on Feeding
Do not free feed your dogs. Starting with smaller portions and feed 4 times per day at the same time each day.  Always keep water available for your pups.

The pups are still adjusting to solid food so for the next couple weeks I recommend adding a little warm to the kibble, leave for about 30 seconds, then mix it with your hands to add your scent. If you've added too much water, drain a little out.  This makes make a gravy to help the pups adjust to solid food. Give your pups their bowls and say something like "Eat Your Food" Every time you give the bowl. When they eat, praise them by saying "Good Eat Your Food" in a happy baby kind of voice.  

Allow them to eat all they want at each meal time.  (if the pups are thin) and still eating but run out of food, give a little more. Stay near the pups at mealtime.  (Having the bowl in the Kitchen and doing dishes or something.) Remove the food bowl after approx 15-20 minutes after they have eaten.  

You may find my help and info pages on my website very helpful in answering any additional questions you have.

Glad to Be of Assistance


Gallant German Shepherds