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german shepherds natural instincts

19 17:37:47

In a lot of your responses to questions, you repeat the same advice that "The best way to tackle behavioural problems is to approach things using the dog's natural instincts. Become the top dog". Does that only work for german shepherds or all dogs? Also is the top dog thing actually true?

Modern DNA testing has proven dogs are still closely related to the wolves.  Although most breeds look less like a wolf than a Shepherd, they all still think like a wolf.  That includes all the Chihuahuas that absolutely dominate their households.  Either you are top dog, or the dog is.  Top dogs aren't drill sergeants, more like an old fashion strict, but loving parent.  One of the more dramatic examples of pack behavior is the way a larger litter will carefully sort its self out with a top male and female, bottom ones, and the rest somewhere between.