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german sheperd puppy

19 17:37:26

my puppy is 3 months old and has a problem with the structure of his back legs. The vet suggested a diet with plenty of calcium, is there anything else i can feed him to strengthen his bones?

What's he doing? Is he going down around his pasterns or are his legs bowing in or out? Sometimes what you're dealing with is a genetic issue. What are you feeding? If he's knuckling over or going down in his pasterns try Sure Grow 100 by Trophy Animal Health care, you can get it from,. It's a calcium phosphorus, vit a and vitamin d3 supplement. Should pull him right up. You can also add some bone meal to his diet. What you're feeding is a HUGE issue, don't feed anything with soy, wheat, corn or beef. Try not to use a feed with by products either. Also make sure baby is getting adequate exercise and not a lot of jumping onto and off of things such as furniture. Walking twice daily briskly for at least thirty minutes will help a lot and try to play with him several times a week until he's really tired,
Get back to me with what you feed,
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