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collars and leashes.

19 17:49:02

I have two german sheperds ( brothers) they are 14 months old. One loves to walk on a leash. The other is so terrified that he runs away and even urinates and shakes. I got the collar and leash on him twice and walked him. He would lay down and shook the entire time. We live in the country so there is not much traffic, and we got them from the breeder when they were 12 weeks old so they had no owners in between that could have hurt them. They are both skitish but one begs to walk the other hides and you can't force him. Is there anything I can do? Thanks.

This is not an easy problem to solve.  At 14 months, he may only get worse.  It is too late for good breeding and proper early socialization.  12 weeks is the end of the time when it is easy introduce dogs to new experiences.  

Does he normally wear any kind of a collar?  It is fairly safe to let a dog loose in the house and yard in a flat fabric or leather collar.  If he is used to the collar, let him run around the house or yard with a short leash on it making sure you keep a close eye on him.  Let him sniff the collar and leash before putting it on him.  Try talking to the leash, telling it what a good leash it is.  Talk to him in a happy, excited voice.  None of the ''Poor little doggie woggie'' stuff.  As he becomes used to the leash, go to a slightly longer one.  Finally, replace it with one long enough to walk him on and try it.  Don't know it will work, but it is the best I can think of.