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Dog eating poop

19 17:21:19

My 10 year-old GSD has been eating her poop. What should I do? If this question isn't answerd soon, my GSD might die of E-coli!

If this is something new, I would suggest a vet visit.  It is common with puppies, but a vet visit is best for most behavior changes in an older dog

The best solution to stool eating, coprophagy, is cleaning them up before the dog has a chance. You can try food additives, the home remedies pineapple juice or canned pumpkin or the commercial products Forbid or Deter.

Why dogs do it is poorly understood. It may be diet related, but changing the dog's diet might cause worse problems. Whatever problems it causes for the owner, it doesn't seem to hurt the dog unless you are trying to clear up a worm infestation.

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