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German shepard aggression

19 17:48:21

I adopted my german sheperd from the humane society.  He is about 15 months old and is of excellent temperament with the family but he is very aggressive towards other dogs (even the smallest of dogs).  I have been told that this aggression stems from fear.  Also, he is very protective over me and jumps on my husband when he is around me.  Will I ever be able to cease this behavior or will he always be inclined toward aggression?

Hi Kim,  At 15 months old, you will not be able to change his temperment towards other dogs.  GSD's can be very aggressive towards other dogs from their own herding & prey drive in their genetics, so it doesn't necessarily mean it is from fear.  I would also watch him around cats and other small animals too.  
As far as jumping on your husband, you need to have your husband work him in obedience so that he understands that your husband is higher on the heirarchy ladder than he is in the family pack.  By working him in obedience, your husband is establishing that he has control over the dog and not vice versa.  Hope this helps,
