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GSD very bad on back legs

19 17:44:48

Dear Dawn

My 12yr old GSD Chloe has just lost most of the use of her back legs, she is in the moult and also has a dry, cracked nose. She has some eczema on her chest and under her front legs. Chloe was spayed about 5yrs ago because she had pyometra and has never been really the same on her legs since (not able to run, but otherwise mobile enough).

Chloe seems to go through a stage of weakness in her back legs at regular periods (yearly) and then after a week or two returns to normal, I wonder if this could be hormonal or related to nutrition (deficiencies of vitamins or minerals especially when her new coat is coming through?

Due to her age chloe is never good on her back legs but the last couple of days even crouching for a wee proves too much and she flops down on the ground exhausted. Every effort makes her pant heavily.

Hoping you can offer some advice.

Thanking you


Hi Peter,  it sounds like her hips are giving out on her due to age.  It is very common for GSD's hips to give out when they get older.  You probably should have her taken into the vet for them to assess her hips.  They might possibly be able to give her some cortisone shots to help, but she is older, which is really the problem here. Glucosamine supplements can help sometimes.   I personally think her age is catching up with her though.  Which unfortunately there is no cure.  Wish I could be of more help.
