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Floppy ears - should I be worried

19 17:34:28

Hi Cindi, My GSD female puppy is almost 4 months old and her ears are not beginning to stand. We also have a 4 month old Lab that plays with her - sometimes pulling her ears and our breeder told us not to play with her ears or they could stay I am worried. I have had 3 other shepherds in my life and I think their ears were up at 4 months. What is the regular age for ears to stand? Should I ask for veterinary help? Is there anything that I can do to promote the ears standing?
Thanks for your help :)

I would be concerned. But no it shouldn't have anything to do with your lab. You should likely start wrapping them.
Here's a website to help you out. If they have NEVER stood, I would definitely be concerned,
Here's a website for instructions
Good luck