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GSD Ears

19 17:22:05


Hello I have a beautiful full blooded and register AKC Long haired German Shepherd Dog. My problem is ears have still not raised. He just turned 8 months old today and im not sure what to do. Ive read forums and documents about taping his ears and I have heard mixed reviews about it. I would love for them to stand up so that I can breed him. He has large ears and has an excessive amount of hair on them. I'm not sure if trimming them would help or not. His ear do occasionally raise but not very often. What can i do. I feed him purine puppy chow for large breeds.

I have never seen what I would consider reliable information on that.  I don't accept generalizations from a few cases.  I do know many dogs the ears do eventually stand up on their own, sometimes as late as a year.  

I would switch him to to an adult food.  Switching to an adult chow for the larger breeds early, slows growth and helps develop sturdier joints.  The Purina is likely as good for him as anything.  The only real disadvantage of it is the larger, softer stools that are harder to clean up.  Moving up to Purina 1 would make about as much difference as more expensive brands.