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german shepherd dog food

19 17:21:21

can my dog eva..who's 11 months eat cornmeal mix with her dry

In general, I wouldn't.  For about the same reasons I advise against cheese, eggs, vegetables, etc.  It is amazing how many people think this, that, or the other thing will improve a dog's diet.  What is good for dogs and people is a complete and balanced diet and not too much of it. Even is somebody made a people food as good for them as dog chow is for dogs, it would never sell. People demand a variety and often insist on eating too much carbohydrates, salt, and fats rather then veggies and cheese that has things they need too. So the things we don't eat enough of are ''good'' for us. If your dog was eating a diet short in fat, protein, and whatever else is in cheese, then cheese would be ''good'' for it. If your dog is eating a complete and balanced dog food, then cheese or anything else that isn't a complete and balance diet really does not improve its diet.

I have too much respect for science to suggest corn is bad for dogs, or useless, as many do.  Search the internet and you will find many claiming dogs can't digest corn.  Never mind many dogs thrive on diets largely made up of corn.  True, as it comes off the ear, dogs can't digest corn.  Once ground and otherwise processed, much of the nutrients in it does become available.  I doubt regular corn meal has been processed enough to make much of the nutrients available to her.  What she could digest, would only throw her diet out of balance.  I think much of it would pass through undigested leading to larger, softer stools for you to clean up.  If you feed her corn meal, I doubt she will digest enough of it to hurt her.  Same story as the raw carrots, some that would never let their dog have corn, insist are good for dogs.