Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > overbite


19 17:48:36

Our 7 months old german sh. has a overbite and one of her lower canine teeth is biting into her top gum. Vet. gave me three options, braces, jaw surgery or pull both canine. I have read many times that teeth can straighten itself out up until they reach 10 months. Vet said its imposible for teeth to straighten out. Please give me some advise,thank you  

Hi Margo,  Normally by 6 months of age, the teeth are pretty much in as far as adult teeth.  I have personally seen Rottweilers with overbites that the jaw straightened out by a year of age, so it is feasible.  Personally I would just wait out the 3 months and see what happens.  3 months isn't going to make that big of a difference and might save you some money.  Also, some dogs do fine with an overbite.  We have a pit cross with a serious overbite that he has had since we got him here in the rescue at 4 months old.  He is now a year and a half, and he looks dorky, but he eats fine and it doesn't really affect him.  It just depends on the dog.  Hope this helps, and good luck.
