Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > Running


19 17:50:33

Is there anyway other than a shock collar...don't want to get my 5 mos old female to stay in her own yard? She will be getting spayed this week, because she is & was meant to be a family pet...or do I just have to give it time? She does come when called..sits, stays lays down...and other tricks...but LOVES to run. I live in the country...but she just wants to go farther? Suggestions?

Hi Sandra
Give this some time and work and patience on your part in training this pet properly.
If nothing else results use the training shock collar that does work in seconds in training a dog not to.
u might be forced into using the shock collar to train bonderieries of your property to do it quickly so she does not stray into unknown territory to be injured or shot.
it is a most humane device i have resulted in using and it worked for me not to over use and got it at and it is great in training positive in necessart quick methods of need be.  go for it than loose your pet if u need instructions let me know

kind regards